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September 10, 2010

Google Instant: An SEO Curse or Blessing


As per a blog post on The Official Google Blog dated 9/8/10, Google is rolling out a way for people to search called Google Instant. In a nutshell, Google Instant is going to dynamically predict what you are typing into the search window in order to save you time. “Our testing has shown that Google Instant saves the average searcher two to five seconds per search. That may not seem like a lot at first, but it adds up. With Google Instant, we estimate that we’ll save our users 11 hours with each passing second!” according the blog post. The real question is how will this new way to search going to impact the way websites are optimized and which keywords to choose for meta tags.From an SEO standpoint, Google Instant can be a curse or a blessing. It could be a curse because the dynamic suggested search terms might not be the ones that your website current ranks high for and could possibly decrease your search traffic. It could be blessing because now you know what keywords will be suggested when people are beginning to type your keyword into Google and alternatively, your website might now be gaining some new search traffic given the dynamically suggested terms Google Instant will be suggesting. The best thing a webmaster or an SEO professional can do to lessen the impact of Google Instant is to type in your keywords in to Google and see what search terms Google Instant is suggesting. Then write them down and see if your website is optimized for them.Google Instant was introduced to help control or predict the search patterns of people. In turn they are hoping to create a better search experience by finding relevant results quicker. From an SEO standpoint, Google Instant is just another way to optimize your website to help it survive in the Google world of search.

As per a blog post on The Official Google Blog dated 9/8/10, Google is rolling out a way for people to search called Google Instant. In a nutshell, Google Instant is going to dynamically predict what you are typing into the search window in order to save you time. “Our testing has shown that Google Instant saves the average searcher two to five seconds per search. That may not seem like a lot at first, but it adds up. With Google Instant, we estimate that we’ll save our users 11 hours with each passing second!” according the blog post. The real question is how will this new way to search going to impact the way websites are optimized and which keywords to choose for meta tags.From an SEO standpoint, Google Instant can be a curse or a blessing. It could be a curse because the dynamic suggested search terms might not be the ones that your website current ranks high for and could possibly decrease your search traffic. It could be blessing because now you know what keywords will be suggested when people are beginning to type your keyword into Google and alternatively, your website might now be gaining some new search traffic given the dynamically suggested terms Google Instant will be suggesting. The best thing a webmaster or an SEO professional can do to lessen the impact of Google Instant is to type in your keywords in to Google and see what search terms Google Instant is suggesting. Then write them down and see if your website is optimized for them.Google Instant was introduced to help control or predict the search patterns of people. In turn they are hoping to create a better search experience by finding relevant results quicker. From an SEO standpoint, Google Instant is just another way to optimize your website to help it survive in the Google world of search.


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