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In the spirit of giving thanks this week, we wanted to take a few minutes and share the 10 things we are most grateful for in this past year. Once we’re done sharing, we give you full permission to go relax with the ones you love, eat something too good to be true, and maybe watch some football (either the NFL or soccer, whichever you prefer).1. Screen Pilot TeamWe’re grateful for each other. We are a small but mighty group of individuals who are passionate about what we do. Each day brings new challenges in this ever-changing marketing world and together we work to stay ahead of the curve. With our different strengths and collective brainpower on SEO, PPC, Social Media, etc., we work hard for our clients to help them achieve their digital marketing goals. As an added bonus, we’re fun people who enjoy working together.2. Fantastic ClientsMaybe we’re biased, but we have awesome clients. We represent a diverse group of clients with so many different needs and goals. All year long, they listen to our ideas and trust us to achieve their goals. We want to say thanks to our clients, because without you…we wouldn’t have jobs and would end up building ridiculous, but perfectly optimized, websites about our pets.[caption id="attachment_1234" align="aligncenter" width="174" caption="Mandatory Cute Pet Photo"]
[/caption]3. Google (this is a big one)With Google holding most of the market share for search engines, we owe a lot to Google. We can’t think of a single day that goes by we don’t say the word Google, Google Places, Google+ or Adwords at least 50 times. Sometimes we love Google and sometimes we think Google behaves like a petulant child, but regardless of how we feel on any given day, it's an integral part of the digital world. 4. CoffeeOh coffee, how we love thee! Let’s be frank about this, without coffee our brains don’t work correctly. We are all in love with coffee. Each and every day we are grateful for the delicious and energizing benefits of a perfectly brewed cup of coffee. (Who are we kidding?! It doesn’t have to be perfectly brewed, it just needs to be caffeinated and relatively warm and we will drink it)5. Social MediaFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest…. the list now goes on and on for the many social media platforms. Each one has its own value proposition and unique way of communicating your messages with the world. We love to communicate, to be social and digital media, so it’s only natural that we are thankful for social media.
6. AppleWhether it be our iPhone 5s, MacBooks, Thunderbolts, iPads or the new challenge of Apple Maps, Screen Pilot is thoroughly involved with Apple. We say thanks to Steve Jobs and to all the fine folks who work for Apple.7. SEOMozJust in case you’re not familiar with it, SEOmoz provides SEO tools and software to help us continuously improve SEO rankings for our clients. Plus it has a pretty cool mascot who is a robot named Roger…so cool.
8. Google AnalyticsOk, so we already mentioned Google and this really falls under the bigger Google umbrella, but it’s too important not to mention on its own. Thank you Google for creating Google Analytics.
9. Google+ HangoutsWhere else can you have a video conference call while wearing pirate hats and mustaches?! Without Google Hangouts our world-traveling Screen Pilot team wouldn’t be able to connect, brainstorm and create new ideas together with sound effects and eye patches.
10. Our FamiliesIt simply isn’t ok to write a blog article about gratitude without mentioning the people who love and support us all year long. We’re certain that each of you have listened to us talk endlessly about new products, new tools, sites and Google Algorithms that are all inconsequential to you. However you sat there smiling politely and nodding, and for that we are grateful.Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours from the Screen Pilot team!
In the spirit of giving thanks this week, we wanted to take a few minutes and share the 10 things we are most grateful for in this past year. Once we’re done sharing, we give you full permission to go relax with the ones you love, eat something too good to be true, and maybe watch some football (either the NFL or soccer, whichever you prefer).1. Screen Pilot TeamWe’re grateful for each other. We are a small but mighty group of individuals who are passionate about what we do. Each day brings new challenges in this ever-changing marketing world and together we work to stay ahead of the curve. With our different strengths and collective brainpower on SEO, PPC, Social Media, etc., we work hard for our clients to help them achieve their digital marketing goals. As an added bonus, we’re fun people who enjoy working together.2. Fantastic ClientsMaybe we’re biased, but we have awesome clients. We represent a diverse group of clients with so many different needs and goals. All year long, they listen to our ideas and trust us to achieve their goals. We want to say thanks to our clients, because without you…we wouldn’t have jobs and would end up building ridiculous, but perfectly optimized, websites about our pets.[caption id="attachment_1234" align="aligncenter" width="174" caption="Mandatory Cute Pet Photo"]
[/caption]3. Google (this is a big one)With Google holding most of the market share for search engines, we owe a lot to Google. We can’t think of a single day that goes by we don’t say the word Google, Google Places, Google+ or Adwords at least 50 times. Sometimes we love Google and sometimes we think Google behaves like a petulant child, but regardless of how we feel on any given day, it's an integral part of the digital world. 4. CoffeeOh coffee, how we love thee! Let’s be frank about this, without coffee our brains don’t work correctly. We are all in love with coffee. Each and every day we are grateful for the delicious and energizing benefits of a perfectly brewed cup of coffee. (Who are we kidding?! It doesn’t have to be perfectly brewed, it just needs to be caffeinated and relatively warm and we will drink it)5. Social MediaFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest…. the list now goes on and on for the many social media platforms. Each one has its own value proposition and unique way of communicating your messages with the world. We love to communicate, to be social and digital media, so it’s only natural that we are thankful for social media.
6. AppleWhether it be our iPhone 5s, MacBooks, Thunderbolts, iPads or the new challenge of Apple Maps, Screen Pilot is thoroughly involved with Apple. We say thanks to Steve Jobs and to all the fine folks who work for Apple.7. SEOMozJust in case you’re not familiar with it, SEOmoz provides SEO tools and software to help us continuously improve SEO rankings for our clients. Plus it has a pretty cool mascot who is a robot named Roger…so cool.
8. Google AnalyticsOk, so we already mentioned Google and this really falls under the bigger Google umbrella, but it’s too important not to mention on its own. Thank you Google for creating Google Analytics.
9. Google+ HangoutsWhere else can you have a video conference call while wearing pirate hats and mustaches?! Without Google Hangouts our world-traveling Screen Pilot team wouldn’t be able to connect, brainstorm and create new ideas together with sound effects and eye patches.
10. Our FamiliesIt simply isn’t ok to write a blog article about gratitude without mentioning the people who love and support us all year long. We’re certain that each of you have listened to us talk endlessly about new products, new tools, sites and Google Algorithms that are all inconsequential to you. However you sat there smiling politely and nodding, and for that we are grateful.Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours from the Screen Pilot team!