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July 14, 2010

Do I Need a Social Media Strategy for My Business or Brand?


You’ve probably read a lot of articles that strongly recommend you have a strategy plan before jumping into the Social Media realm. Whilst having a plan is always a good thing, the truth is we still don’t know enough about social media and how people will react to be able to design an effective strategy plan.Conversely, we should try experimenting with new, creative and interesting ways to engage with our target audience. If you are a large or well-known organization with well-established brands you should proceed with a little bit more caution with any experiments. There is a potential you could negatively impact your brand.There is nothing carved in stone to say doing it one way is better than another. It is through experimentation that we will learn and uncover what works best for our company and brand. The old adage comes to mind, “No Risk, No Gain”!Social media is about the moment and what everyone is talking about which makes it hard to predict and plan ahead. You need to jump into the conversation that is viral at any given time. If you have a clear and compelling brand and the discipline to maintain it across the different social media platforms, the conversation just flows naturally.By not having a specific or rigid social media plan it also means we can be more flexible in empowering employees to engage with people through social media and act as ambassadors for our brand and product.Companies should be engaging in some sensible experimentation to figure out whether social media is right for their business. Depending on the type of business you’re in, you might discover that your customers prefer not to do business with you in an online social environment.Are you using Social Media for your brand? Did you have a Social Media Strategy Plan from the start or did you experiment with different things till you found the right strategy that works for you and your brand?

You’ve probably read a lot of articles that strongly recommend you have a strategy plan before jumping into the Social Media realm. Whilst having a plan is always a good thing, the truth is we still don’t know enough about social media and how people will react to be able to design an effective strategy plan.Conversely, we should try experimenting with new, creative and interesting ways to engage with our target audience. If you are a large or well-known organization with well-established brands you should proceed with a little bit more caution with any experiments. There is a potential you could negatively impact your brand.There is nothing carved in stone to say doing it one way is better than another. It is through experimentation that we will learn and uncover what works best for our company and brand. The old adage comes to mind, “No Risk, No Gain”!Social media is about the moment and what everyone is talking about which makes it hard to predict and plan ahead. You need to jump into the conversation that is viral at any given time. If you have a clear and compelling brand and the discipline to maintain it across the different social media platforms, the conversation just flows naturally.By not having a specific or rigid social media plan it also means we can be more flexible in empowering employees to engage with people through social media and act as ambassadors for our brand and product.Companies should be engaging in some sensible experimentation to figure out whether social media is right for their business. Depending on the type of business you’re in, you might discover that your customers prefer not to do business with you in an online social environment.Are you using Social Media for your brand? Did you have a Social Media Strategy Plan from the start or did you experiment with different things till you found the right strategy that works for you and your brand?


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